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Your Details
Please complete the form below to create an account.
Account Details
Email Address
Confirm Email
Date of Birth
Confirm Password
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Post Code
Home Phone Number
Mobile Number
Medical Conditions (include the details of any regular medication you are on)
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Number
Will you require assistance at any of our club training sessions?
BTF Membership Number
Terms and Conditions
Discount Code
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I consent to receive communications from WVTRI.
I accept the
Membership Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions
Membership Terms and Conditions
I confirm I am able to swim 4 x 25m uninterrupted freestyle
(front crawl) note: speed is not important, as we have a development lane
I confirm I have attended two free taster sessions, understand how the club training sessions operate, and am now ready to join WVTRI
Membership fees are non refundable
Membership fee is £36 for a full year membership, reducing to £18 from 1st July to end of the year
Renewals are carried out at the beginning of January each year
The membership fee is reviewed each year and announced at the AGM
I agree to abide by the Terms & Conditions of membership set out in the WVTri Membership Terms & Conditions 2020 document, which is in accordance with the British Triathlon Federation (our governing body) rules and regulation
I confirm I have read and understand the club's Good Conduct & Training Guidance and the Club Constitution
I confirm that any posts/comments I make on the Club's social media channels will be kind and courteous. They will be relevant and friendly, and I will not commercially advertise. I will not engage in any abusive or offensive language (posts will be removed without warning)
I am happy for WVTRI to report my race results and circulate images of me in the local press and on the club's social media platforms. From time to time, coaches may also video sessions in order to give coaching feedback on a 1-to-1 basis, which will not be circulated beyond the coach and participant (please contact the Secretary on
[email protected]
should you wish to be excluded from such press releases, promotional material or video footage)
These documents can be found on
under ‘Club Documents’